Monday, August 15, 2011

Our 2011 Summer So Far....

Our summer has been busy and great so far! Early summer was the Playoffs.  When we bought our house having direct tv was a MUST for aaron because he couldn't miss one game of the playoffs!  And so needless to say...since we didn't get enough basketball the first 2 years of our marriage...we had to make sure we packed in every play off game.  It's a good thing i like basketball or i would be one miserable wifey.  We were cheering for dallas or Oklahoma city.  I loved that dallas blew out the lakers, that was enjoyable.  So needless to say...we were thrilled that Dallas took it all!  Very happy ending for the playoffs this year in the Snooks Book!  We got to enjoy the final championship game with some good friends.  Melissa and Tyler (T-mac) McKee.  T-mac is one of aarons old college bball playin buddies.  They of course were rooting for Dallas also!  So it was quite the enjoyable evening!
 The McKee's
The Snooks (sportin our Mav Blue here)

Toward the beginning of the summer we where having a game night with our good friends The Stevens!  Chelsea & Travis and it was past midnight and we realized that it was Chelsea's Birthday!!...She of course was to modest to say anything & then in came up in conversation and i was like...."we must make a cake!" it was late but we made a rainbowchip cake and we used Q-tips for candles (which was a total fail by the way, but hey we tried) and we sang and ate cake and kept partying.  Wish the Steven's were here for longer then just the summer.
The Snooks, The Steven's, & The Q-Tip Rainbowchip Cake

THEN later on in June....i had my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY!!...Yes.....I turned 25 years old on June 25th.  So basically is your birthday is on the 1'st or in the begenning of the're kinda screwed because your golden birthday was when you were a baby. haha...lucky for me my birthday is on the 25th so i got to actually celebrate it!  We celebrated by going to Lagoon....I loove Lagoon! It was an awesome day!  We got to spend it with some good friends Will and Ali!  We had  a was a Wonderful Golden Birthday!
 Aaron and Me (birthdaygirl) At LAGOON
Us with Will and Ali! 
While we were down in Utah we Finally got to see Aaron's Best friend from gradeschool Dan Garner and his beautiful Wife Lisa!....We SOOO wish we lived closer to them...Dan is in Law school in texas for another 2 years.  They come home to Utah for the summertime...we are lucky if we get to see them once or twice!  We have a blast with them. Not much has changed with Dan and Aaron's friendship.  They act like gradeschool buddies from the old days all over again! So glad we got to see them!!
 Danny & Aaron Together Again. haha Such Dorks.
They beat us in Bowling!  AHH!  Don't know how that happend.
That resulted in US buying THEM icecream. haha
There will be a rematch!

ALSO....once the summer started i hired 2 little assistants.  Channing and Makaul Albertson.  They are Kam's (Abe's Kam) little sisters!  Makaul is 13 and Channing is 11.  They are the BEST little assistants a Girl could ask for!  I have Absolutley adored having them in my shop all summer.  Helping keep my head on straight and do all the things for me that i don't have time to do...or just don't want to do. haha. :)  School starts soon and I am absolutley dreading them going back to school.....I will miss them dearly!  Hopefully they can come in and help me out on my late nights still.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that i will never have to rip another piece of foil in my life as long as they're around. haha.  I not only love their helping hands, but they are 2 of the awesomest lil' gals!  They have an awesome big sister to look up to and great parents..and a pretty cool brother i guess. haha.  But they are like little sisters i never had.  Noah doesn't quite let me braid his hair and wax his eyebrows!  Noah is a stud muffin of a little brother but Channing and Makaul just fill that little sister void for me that i never got.  They are so great!
 Me and Miss Channing
 Their brother parker got suckered into the frosted tips for summer.
He was learning more then he needed to learn from Cosmo!  Yikes!

We gave too much fun as you can see.  It can't be All Work No Play All the time!!
So we break that rule because I'm the boss...and cause we can. haha!
You probably can't tell that I am LOVING my in home salon!

On To The 4th of JULY!!...We went up to Spokane where my 2nd oldest brother Gabe and his wife Heather live.  We love it up there.  It is so beautiful.  Aaron got some good wakeboarding in.  Thankfully Heathers Sister Sharee and her Husband Brad are AMAZING wakeboarding coaches.  Without them we would have both been doomed.  Aaron was crusin finaly by the end of the day and well...I got up for about a good 10 seconds and I was thrilled with that. We also got to go to a shooting range up there and shoot lots of guns...Aaron LOVED that!  & We got to hang at the Demar's Cabin (heathers family) that is right on the Lake.  It's so fun.  It's kinda a special place up there for Aaron and I because we Got engaged up there on the 4th of July right before the fireworks went off he was Ideal! But all n all we had a fabulous 4th!
 Our signature Engagement Night Photo....It's been 3 Years!  Crazy!
Don't worry people, babies will come one day...i promise. haha
 OH man I love this Guy!
This is my Big Brother Gabe!....He was lightin all the fireworks
because everyone else was too chicken or just wanted to watch. :)
Way ta be Gabe!

THEN a couple weeks later on the 24th of JULY weekend.  We had a SNOOKS family Trip!  With Aaron's parents and all of Aaron's Sibling and spouses and the 2 grandbaby boys!  We stayed at a Cabin up in Heber City Utah.  We had so much fun!  We got to go on sweet train ride!  We also did some shopping up in park city as a family and had a Fun day in Park City!...That day was Aaron's Parents Anniversary!  WE are all Turds and it skipped all of our brains and they where way to Modest to say anything!  So next year we are gonna have to party it up or something.  WE are hoping to make this a Annual trip with the Snooks.  Now that all the kids are married and there are no more weddings to gather at then that just gives us an excuse to VACA!  We had a lot of fun on this trip and look forward to the annual family trips to come!  Just wished we all lived closer!  (psst....aaron's should ALL move to idaho..ok?...ok!)

ALSO IN JULY.....We did the Unspeakable!....haha OK not really. But we DID have a HARRY POTTER PARTY!!....It was seriously so much fun....It started out as Aaron and I joking around one day after watching "Yes Man" with jim carey and he goes to a co-workers Harry Potter Party.  We were joking around about how ridiculous some people are in the things that they do!  They we started throwing out all these hypothetical idea's and "what if's" and just laughing and then thought...MAN that actually sounds really fun!...I mean think about it...a REASON to Eat yummy food and delicious play watch an epic film together..and to DRESS UP!  How often do we get to dress up in costume as adults...common you know the child inside all of us just waits for an invite to a costume party!....haha...well needless to say...we had a blast!...we ended up doing the party on a Saturday evening. (the premier was thrusday going into fri at midnight) So when we showed up in costume at the movie theatre together...I think alot of people were thinking ..."uhm people....your a little late...the premier was 2 nights ago"...and we where like....Well we have jobs ok!...So we have to party on the weekend!...haha I think everyone was moreso entertained by it!  Especially the girl with the highest pitch voice i've ever heard that takes your tickets at the entrance!  She is awesome! WE made her guess all our costumes and she was SPOT ON!...Here are some pics from the Magical Time We Had!

 Josh Wadworth, Steph n Maren Mansfield, Kam Albertson
 The Dille's
 The Single Crew

 The Stevens
 The Boren's and Markus's
 Us with our Buddy Brian Blanco
 Aaron and I were Bill and Fleur! (props to my motherinlaw for making my 
costume last minute out of an old bridesmaid dress i had)
and props to the DI for aarons whole outfit! haha
 Uhmmm YES...i dyed Aarons Hair WEASLY red!
 QUIDDITCH or AKA Dodgeball!

 Aaron was full on Weasly!
 Most of the Crew!
At the MOVIE Finally!  Can't believe Harry Potter is done.
Well WE Partied Hard and The Final Movie was Awesome!
Totally Worth It...Now the question is...
What are we gonna party for next time?...

Some of our Friend Callie and Tyler Threw a Murder Mystery Party about a month after that!  We were psyched to get dressed up again! haha.  It was a 1920's Chicago Theme.  We had a great time with good company!  Aaron's costume was seriously Legit!  We found it at a costume shop (which those places are scary)  But luckily they had the rigt getup. I was supposed to be a Silky Shady night club owner (kinda like cher was in burlesque) haha....I ended up being the MURDERER!...Which was awesome...and that explains why my expression looks like it does in the following picture!  Needless to say...we had tons of Fun...Again!
yeah...i know!

Lastly ....for now at least....we have a FUN FUN time having My 2 older brothers and their Wives and Kids come into town for a long weekend!  It was so fun to have them all here!  I wish they lived closer sooo badly!  We had the whole crew here exept for Sleezer since she's in North Dakota now..(booo) and Abe of course...he hit his YEAR mark in july!  So crazy!  Can't believe he will be home next summer! I know it will be here before we know it!...But it was so fun to have all the lil' grandkiddy's in town.  They are seriously too cute! I adore all the Burns Babies!  We had lots of fun while they where here.  Wish they didn't ever have to leave!
 Aaron and Sawyer Boy (gabes middle child)
 Aaron and Quinn (Jer's Youngest)
 Aaron and Joslyn (Gabe's Youngest)
 Me n Quinners
 Autum Doll (Lex's) n Campbell Man (gabes oldest)
Mylie Girl! (Jer's Middle Child) 

 Har Har Harley! (Jer's oldest)

Noah is like the COOLEST UNCLE to all these Kids!

Trying to thing what else I missed....hmmm OH...AARON GOT LASIK EYE SURGERY!  It's a miracle and he can see perfectly!!

And LASTLY  Just a quick update on my Stud Muffin of a Brother ABE!...aka Elder Burns!...He is doing sooo awesome!  He hit his year mark and is on the Down hill slope now!  He will be home next July!  He was called to be a zone leader a while back and is doing awesome!  His zone is always hitting there goals and sweepin all the friendly motivating mission competitions!  He is bringing the gospel into Many lives in Argentina!  He sounds so amazing In his letters!  He is still very much so got the Abe sound always...but we can all tell he has grown so much & is doing so awesome!  His hard work blesses not only the Argentine's lives but All of ours here at home!  He is such an amazing example to me.  He works so hard everyday!  I love him and miss him like Crazy!  But so happy that he is happy doing the Lord's Work!  These few pics are all just a glimps of how awesome he is doing and how well his mission is going!..awh man..i just love my bro! i think that is officially it for our SUMMER SO FAR!  Until Next Time!

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