Monday, May 9, 2011

Life a YEAR from the last post! Woops.

Ok so I have been totally awefull at posting.  Life has been ULTRA busy!! Since last year we have been saving money to buy a house and take that big kid step in life!! We lived with my folks for a little less than a year and that got us to where we want to be.  We bought our DREAM home the end of March 2011.  So just a little over a month ago.  It has been AMAZING and we have wasted NO time in accomplishing one of my biggest goals!  To have a wonderful Salon in my home!! Well, we Moved into our house and then 4 weeks later...My shop is DONE!!  Thanks to my awesome brother in law Wade! and my family and aarons parents and friends, and aaron. We got it done really quick!  I have been absolutley loving it!  Life sometimes goes by too fast! But it is SOO nice to see you're hard work pay off and to reach you're goals with the ones you love! is MOTHERS DAY!  Now that I have a couple of those goals out of the way like being a homeowner and having a shop in my home...I'm getting closer to the idea of "A BABY" ...yes i know.  We would still like aaron to be done with school but he won't be done till next spring...soo.......we will see. :) Mothers Day every year gives me the itch more and more to have little aarons and jazzy's running around! haha :) We are so fortunate to be able to have both of our parents local!  We got to spend time with Both of our Mom's today!  It was wonderfull.  Over at the Burns Household we got to talk to My AWESOME lil' brother Abe who is Serving his mission in Argentina.  We got 2 phone calls down 2 to go!  Crazy! He sounds so awesome!  We all loved talking with him and hearing his voice!  He is just so awesome, I love that kid so much!  Anyway, all and all it has been a good day! and a good year!  Aaron and I are sooo Happy in our new home!  WE Couldn't be more blessed!
Until next time...hopefully it's not so long this time! :)

oh and this is abe! my awesome handsome stud of a brother!

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