Friday, March 19, 2010

New Adventures since Basketball is OVER!!!

We had quite the run with basketball for the last 2 years.  I must say I am so gratefull that we have had that blessing in our lives, i mean it paid for Aaron's first 2 yrs of school so we couldn't be more happy about that.  As for the team it'self and the coaching, eeh well we weren't so lucky there.  Both years had their different challenges but All n All, Aaron and I had great fun while it lasted.  I loved watchin him play and will cherish those 2 yrs forev.  Also the fact that my little brother Abe (my bestie sibling) and my husband where able to build such a fun relationship! My hubby comes from a family of NO BOYS :'( plenty of Fabulous sisters (who i thank for making him a sweet/sensitive loving husband) :) but he really enjoyed his time this last year getting to bond w/ my brother!  They are too much alike.  Abe recently got called to the Argentina Mendoza Mission, spanish speaking and will be leaving July 14th.  We are soo excited for him, his call seems so "fitting" for him.  We will miss him so much!  It has been so fun hanging with him and his pretty lil' lady Kamryn.  We say we need to start making a "bucket list" in a sense but since abe's not dying we will call it a "basket list" of fun things we need to do before he leaves!!

But....since the first 2 years of our marriage almost has been consumed with basketball this and basketball that, now that it's OVER, we almost don't know what to do with ourselves and all this time.  It has been SO relaxing and fun to just spend qualitly time together on the weekends and to see some of our friends and family more often!  Right after basketball got over we where able to go down to LA for a long weekend with friends to see friends get MARRIED in the LA temple.  All my girlfriends from hairschool, MEGS, KEL, HEATHER, and ME where all down in LA for heathers wedding.  Minus STACE, she wasn't there due to the fact that she was on her HONEYMOON!  She's all hitched now too to my cousin Bj Millar!  Crazy how time flies, I guess that makes us all Married Off Old Women now! haha.  LA was so nice, it rained the day of Heathers wedding but it was still an amazing day!....We carpooled down with one of my besties Kelli and her husband Jason.  They live in Provo for now but we are sure hoping they might move down our way and become Idaho Folk!  We'll see.  Anywho, it was so fun to ride down together.  We stopped in Vegas (where kelli is from) and stayed w/ her family for the night.  THE ROYALS.  Geee I love them, they are a great family and always take such good care of us when we are there!  Then it was off to LA! We had a blast! The 2 of us couples that are already married all bunked in ONE hotel room.  It was awesome and fun though!  Then it was back to real life.

It was nice to feel "unbusy" for once!!  Then a few days after being home Aaron had some serious pain and we ended up rushin him to the ER here in caldwell.  Poor guy I had never seen him in so much pain :(  He threw up 3 times cause he was hurting so badly and had 6 shots of morphine that didn't even touch the pain.  They ended up having to give him some crazy strong Narcautic to knock the pain and it did finally.  He had pain for a good 3 more days till he passed his Kidney Stone, which ended up being the result of all the pain cause it was blocking certain flow-ways and causing fluid to backup in his kidneys! Yikes! poor guy.  That sucker looked like a baby Goat Head.  Can't be fun.  Hopefully we wont deal with that again!  They said for a man it's the pain equivilent to a woman having a baby.  So i'm kinda glad now that when we have kids then he can Really simpathize for me!  Hopefully!  I'm just glad he's ok, he scared me!

Last but not least for now....AARON GOT A JOB!!!  Oh my goodness and I am SOOO thrilled about it!  It's soo the perfect job for him cause he can do it full time in the spring/summer and it will work around his school schedule when he starts back up in the fall.  He is going to finish his bachelors at BSU so that will be convienient for us and for his job!  He decided Finally that he Didn't wanna be a Pharmascist, and that he didn't end up being as facinated by medicine as he thought he would.  He took a bit of a turn & decided he really wants to get into Orthapedic Sales.  He would like to adventually be the guy that goes in and sets up the equipment in the Operating rooms & work hand in hand w/ the surgeons.  He is starting to network and get his foot in the door now so that by the time he's done with school he can hopefully land a good job!  But for now he got hired on at a company called CDI! (custom decorating inc.)  I know "decorating" doesn't sound quite up aarons alley.  But he's actually really excited about this job!  He will basically be going into peoples homes that inquire about wanting new Carpet or Window coverings.  He will do all the face work and measurements and send the orders in and get a pretty commission off of each sale.  Ther is SO much potential for Aaron to make Good money and to Grow as a person persuing a Sales career.  We are in debt to Abe's girlfriend Kamryn's MOM...DESIREE!  She is the one that thought of aaron because it's the same thing she does.  She has been so helpful and pushed for the company to take Aaron on!  We are sooo grateful to her, she has been so helpful in helping Aaron get started.  We are just so seriously blessed with awesome people all around us!

and....last but not least before i head out....well, i've lost 10lbs! whoo!  I'm working on 10 more and i will be at my goal weight!  Gotta get lookin good for summertime!  I wanna be out in the sunshine this summer (with sunscreen on of course!) We have started saving for different things!  But if all works out and we get everything paid off that we need to, we are hopin to go on vaca w/ some friends in the fall for about a week.  Might as well do those things while we got no kids yet!  Thats what everyone With kids keeps telling us to do at least!! haha.  So i figured we might as well listen!  :)  Until next time, hope all is well with everyone!!


  1. Sounds like you guys are having so much fun being together! That is wonderful!!!
    Yeah for Abe!!! That is so cool about his mission call! Good luck buddy!
    I am so sorry that Aaron had to go through all of Dad gets those all the time so I know what you mean about the pain he had to go through! NOT FUN!!! I hope Aaron does not go through it again!!!

  2. Longest post ever!!!!!!!!!!! love it!!! you girls are so cute that is so fun you guys are all still so close!!!! good thing to have!! you and your hubby are cute hope all is well!
