Sunday, November 1, 2009

SUMMER 09' !!! Life After Basketball !!!

WOW....Summertime....Awhhhhhhh.  We didn't know what it was like to have the weekends to do Whatever we Wanted!! haha.  The Summer was SOO SOO nice!  I moved my work schedule Mon-Thursday so I could actually enjoy the weekends with my Husband!  We had so much fun!  We had ALOT of weddings in June, the main ones where Aarons older Sister Mel, their wedding was so beautiful!  Then my cousin Trevor married the beautiful April...then Aarons Lil' sis Alisha got married too!  She looked gorgeous but it rained their whole weddin day.  But it was still so much fun!  We had a few friends in between get married too. It was a crazy Jun&July...yet relaxing, we went to the Rodeo and the Boise Zoo and The Canyon County Fair, and Went up to spokane for the 4th of July with my family and just had some fun times with friends and family!!....  After that we enjoyed the end of our summer by toppin it off with Vegas and California!!  My girlfriend Kelli and her husband got sealed in the Vegas temple, we went down for that and it was amazing and wonderful!! So happy for them! Then we decided to go on down to CALIFORNIA and visit my girlfriend Heather from hairschool!! We stayed with her for a few days while we enjoyed Hunnington beach, The SanDiego Zoo, SEAWORLD, Planet hollywood, then it was on to DISNEYLAND for 3 more days with our buddies Travis and Chelsea Stevens. They where down there the same time so we had so much fun with them!! We are so glad we took this trip!  We got a great deal on tickets and used it as an excuse to PRE-celebrate or Anniversary!!

Melissa and Brians Weddin! With all the Snooks Kids. She looked so beautiful!

My Cousin Trevor and his hott wife April! Love this guys! Wish they lived here!

Aaron's baby sister Alisha and her hubby Steve!  Gorgeous Kids right there!

on our way to church w/ fam

4th of JULY up in Spokane w/ my family!!

Watchin them shoot fireworks off the dock!! We are flashin our weddin rings here because a year ago on the 4th of July aaron proposed to me in the same spot!!

Aaron's first time wake boarding! He was so tired!  Good job babe!

At the Snake River Stampede!  I go every year...Aaron's not such a fan, he's allergic to all that stuff. ha :(

One of our many fun summer weekends @ the Boise Zoo. So fun. Such a HOTT day

Went to the Canyon County Fair with Abe and Kam.  We had so much fun!

Except Aaron got sick on one of the Rides! :)

We had to do one of the old fashioned pics @ the fair! Love it!

On to our big summer trip!  Vegas first! Aaron had never been!

The Jasmine Restaurant @ the was Way to expensive to eat at so we just took a pic! haha

On to CALIFORNIA! Aaron on Hunnington Beach

First Adventure...SanDiego Zoo. This place is HUGE!

BEST PART OF THE ZOO!!! First time i Ever saw Koala Bears!! It was Amazing. They have been my fav animal since i was really little! They where so sweet!

on to..SEAWORLD!!! I forgot how COOl this place is! Such a fun day!

Yes I'm Touching a Stingray

Aaron with the Starfish!

Universal Studios!! The Terminator!

So I got volunteered for the special effects show!  I was so embarrassed.


Snow White Ride.

Our Disney Buddies Travis and Chelsea w/ MICKY MOUSE!

Toon Town! We where all SO crammed in Roger Rabits TINY car...but we made it happen! haha

We had sooo much fun!! The 4 of us probably rode splash mountain a total of 20 times or so! :) It was such a fun trip!  We miss all of it all the time...but on to another busy basketball season.

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