Sunday, November 1, 2009


So we just had Butt Loads of basketball this last year.  Abe my 18 yr old bro just younger then me had a GREAT year of basketball!!!  If we weren't at Aarons College games we where at Abe's Highschool Games!!  Skyview Highschool Varsity Basketball Boys team was Perfect!!  They didn't lose a SINGLE game all season..not even in the pre-season.  They went on the win the Idaho State Championship by One point in overtime!!  It was one of the most intense insane moments that I will remember forever.  I love my lil' bro so much, him and I are so close...I wanted this for him SOO badly!  All 6 of us siblings where there with my parents along with many other friends and family!  My 2 older brothers came from out of town to be here for Abe!  It was the sweetest moment ever...right as the buzzer rang i burst into tears  (totally not like me) my sister lex was makin fun of me hardcore because i never cry!!  But it was such an emotional moment and i was so proud of Abe!! I will never forget that....Abe ended up signing to play at Treasure Valley this commin season. Which means.....he will be teammates with my HUSBAND!! :)  I'm so excited to watch them both play together this year!!!  After one year abe will Serve a mission for our church then prob return and keep playing!  Fun Stuff.

This is a cool pic you can see my mom and dad and my oldest bro in the crowd! 

Huggin Coach Yeager! Such a Sweet Victory

How much it feel to have the most Perfect Season Ever?? Lucky!

Me gettin the first hug!! Love you Lil' Bro!

All us Siblings (minus noah) So proud of him!!

Ahh There's Noah!! haha Ball Boy!

The proud fam!!

Not to mention Abe is a Legit soccer player too!! Him doin his flip throw!..(way harder then it looks haha) i almost broke my back trying i'm pretty sure! top off Abes' fabulous Senior Year...he WON the MR. SKYVIEW Pageant! haha

So proud once again! haha

And he gots the prettiest girl in school. Kam Kam

No he's a Treasure Valley Chukar and She's a Boise State Bronco!

Graduation! All good things must come to a end. 

Abe with his Sisters!

We love you Abe! You're the man

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