Sunday, November 1, 2009


I Love the Fall!! Kinda felt like it went from summer to winter though. But It has been nice so far!  Aaron started school and basketball up in September and has been goin strong since!  Aaron and Abe my lil' bro are playin together this year on the same College team!! They are havin so much fun!  I can't wait to watch them play!! There games start up here pretty soon and then its on to a Basketball Lovin Life again!  It's a good thing I love basketball! haha. Aaron had a small sophomore only tournament in Seattle. It was a short and sweet trip. They won all 3 of their games.  I went out to my parents house and stayed and hung with noah and abe and my buddy jen.  We had some good times. Grandpa's 79th Suprise birthday dinner was just the other night too!  We where all supposed to be there @ a certain time, then grandpa was supposed to show up 15 min later...We should all know that grandpa is always early to everything!! Bein his family you would think more of us would be punctual..haha but non of us really are. haha. For Halloween Aaron and I stayed in and ordered Pizza and had a SKULLS movie marathon!  It was fun.  We only got ONE stinkin trick or treater!  But last year we got ZERO. So i guess it was a success compared to last year.  Now we have tons of candy.  Aaron dressed as a basketballer (clever costume aaron) and i was the Referee. haha. being that we only had one trick or treater we dressed up for no reason.  But it was fun!! Abe and Kamryn sent us a pic of their costume..they where Sandra Dee and Danny from Grease! Noah was a Jabawokee! haha. Gotta love Halloween!

@ Grandpa's Bday Dinner @ Chapala's!

Awh Gramps!! We all Love him so much! Best Grandpa Award Ever!

 Me and Noah's Pumpkins! Mine says SNOOKS!!

So Proud.  It Died like 3 days later big time saggadge!

abe and i missin aaron in seattle!  Abe see's aaron prob as much as I do with school and basketball!

Me and My buddy Jen Ward

Very Cute lil' Decoration My Mother in law made for me!  She's so good at stuff like this...not me! I got alot to learn! haha

Abe and Kam as Danny and Sandra Dee from Grease

The Baller and the Referee for Halloween.

Aaron didn't really need to dress up i guess since he ALWAYS looks like a baller!

He said he wished I could be his Ref all the time! I would never call fouls on him.

Hope everyone had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN...On to Thanksgiving Time!


  1. yay! im glad im following you now on your blog! its fun to read and get caught up!

  2. Cute blog Jasmine!!! It gets addicting!!! Brian and I have a blog but I decided to go private so leave your email on my blog and I will invite you so you can follow!!! Hope you guys are doing well. Hope to see you soon!! (if you want to really stock me I had one before I got married melissalinder.blogspot
