Sunday, September 4, 2011


Ya gotta love those first day of school pictures that your Mom ALWAYS had to take of you!!  It always seemed like the older I got the more I rolled my eyes when my mom wanted to take all of our pictures!  Well even though I am not a mom yet...i just KNOW i am gonna be that MOM who makes her kids take that infamous FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL PIC.  Because I made Aaron take one!...haha. I figured this is his LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL EVER!! (which i am incredibly thrilled about an SO is he!!) But i thought...i gotta get that picture.  So before he hopped in his sweet subaru station wagon to head to start his Last First Day of school...i snapped this pic.  I think he looks soo dashing and handsome!  I'm so proud. haha.  I also got My oh so beautiful nieces Harley, Mylie, & Autumn's first day of school pics. My stinkin cute nephews first day of school  pic. My Lil Bro Noah's first day of jr high pic!!
My Handsome Man! HaHa. Love his smile!  Looks like he is 6 years old still.
Harley Girl!!



Campbell and Sawyer!!

Noah and his first day of JUNIOR HIGH!!  AHH!

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