Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Winter is Almost Over!!

Usually I'm a total Winter Girl! but this year i'm so ready for spring and summer.  MAYBE it's moreso that i'm ready for the next phase in aaron and i's lifelong journey together! Which....can i just say...i'm the luckiest girl in the world that i get to spend my forever with him! There really are "no bad days" being married to the Mr. Aaron Snooks. He makes me so happy.  This winter he has been so busy!! I think thats why i'm antsy for it to be over. This is aarons last year of basketball and him and i both are ready to be done!...I know aaron has had SOO much fun having my little brother Abe on the team this year! Abes' playin for one year before he leaves on his mission here this summer. They have had a blast and are more alike than i ever realized. It's fun, we hang out with Abe and his Lady Kamryn as often as we can...they are so fun. But yeah, that is one part of basketball that has been fun this year. I know later on we will miss it...but like i said earlier, we are ready for the next phase. Aaron only has 2 more yrs of school which he has decided to bust out at good ol' BSU.  Luckily!...being here, i can keep workin away!  I love my clients have been so awesome and consistent in this last year, i'm so grateful!  I couldn't ask for a better job, i get to do what i love and talk to people i like all day! haha :) Can't wait for that soon to be day to have my in home shop...this year we are hopin to buy a house in the south nampa area...SOOO we will see how that goes. Aaron turned 24 in november and we all went to dinner and was fun to have our friends/family there. We had quite the time! Thanksgiving and Christmas where amazing as always...filled with family, friends, yummy food, and memories that'll last forev. We created our own tradition and go ice skating on christmas eve morning, abe and kam where kind enough to accompany us this year, we had lots of fun, a few falls, and lots of laughs! I do love that time of year.  I'll post a few pics of what we have been up to...hope all is well with everyone else! :)
2009-2010 Treasure Valley Chukars

My Boys...Abe and Aaron

aaron #24 & abe #25 (so cute)

scary alike

told you..haha

got to see my brother Gabe and sis in law Heather and their boys and one of our many bball tourneys...this one was in spokane so we got to spend some quality time w/ the spokane burns bunch!

lil' sawyer boy zonked out on grandpas chest! haha

some of the crew 2 aarons bday bash!

the boys and all their handsomeness!

jen and brian! 2 of our fav peeps!

buffalo wild of our new addictions. uh oh!

good food, good friend, lots of TV's...why would we leave?

abe rarely takes a serious pic :)

wing leaders! nice face aaron :) i think he has the same prob abe does

the EUGENE bball tourney, kam kam came w/ us too


on to christmas time!!...ours was better (the right one) but @ grandpas christmas party everyone voted for abe and kams... i was grumpy. haha

hard @ construction of the ginger bread house

on to our skating christmas eve morning!!

abe and kam came! i was glad...sad to say but this is abes last christmas till after the mish @ least! lil bro grew up so fast...who knew that would ever happen.... :-/

headed to ....Buffalo Wild Wings...again.. haha

i wanted a picture of someone falling so i kept my camera out and aaron was like ..ok i will "PRETEND" like i'm falling and you snap a as he was "PRETENDING" he actually fell...he was really mad@ himself...he said, you BETTER have gotten the pic cuz i did that for You! haha ...he loves me!

new years eve this year kinda stunk! i didn't get a smootch from my handsome man, cuz they where in a hotel in ephraim utah and i was stayin in SLC w/ my Big Bro Jer and his Awesome wifey Kara and their two hillarious girls Harley and was fun, miley promised me a midnight smootch and i surely got one from her! haha. but the next day @ the game @ snow college we drove down a lil' further to get a shot of this Beauty...the Manti Temple. It was fun spending the hole weekend with my brother Jer and his family and a bit of the Millar gang thrown in there too and then getting to go to the new Oakher' Mountain Temple with the whole Snooks clan! We had so much fun with all of our family! So grateful for all of them..having great familys makes for some good times!

Well thats it for now, hopefully i will be back to update Sooner than Later! :)


  1. Looks like you guys have had a great Winter!!! It is odd to think that Basketball is almost over too!
    Ps...I really don't like Aaron and Abe's coach...he has issues!

  2. Uhm yes kaycee!...MUCH agreed! I'm glad it's alsmot over...the coach is a doof!
