Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Finally Branched Out On My Own !!

So today (Nov 1st) is a year from the day I left my job and branched out on my own!! I now work at a Salon called ALL THAT JAZZ where I have my own space and can come and go as I please and I totally manage my own time. I am a Hairdresser and I love what i do!!  Before I worked at a beautiful newer salon called Studio D for a couple of years.  I learned alot there and am very grateful for that time... but after I got married I really wanted to be able to manage my own schedule. It was very scary because I had only been married for about a month and a half and it was a BIG RISK!  But Aaron and I prayed about it and it just felt like the right thing to do.  Obviously the Lord has blessed us greatly and things have been absolutely great ever since then!  Aaron is in school full time so i knew I would really hafta work my butt off for us to have everything we need.  We feel so blessed and I am so grateful for all my clients and for how much I love my job!  So thank you to all that support me and are still supporting me!!  Soon, after we purchase our own home in the next year and a half or so I am planning on having my very own shop in my Home.  We are looking to buy in the south east nampa area and can't wait till that day becomes a reality, crazily enough it is just around the corner!! :)  So needless to say....Life has been good to me!

this is Sophi! The only pic i have my new salon. haha, i will try to update this & get some actual good pics

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